Physical Review E, 64, 016111, 2001


A model of C60 fullerene, (H2O)60 water and other similar clusters


Sergey Siparov


Department of Physics, Academy of Civil Aviation, 38 Pilotov St., St.Petersburg, 196210, Russia




The analytical calculation of the partition function for the lattice gas model of the finite buckminster-ball type cluster and for the infinite nanotube type cluster is presented. The method of calculation is based on the Vdovichenko random walk approach. There appeared to be two values of critical temperature, while the heat capacity in their vicinities is proportional to 1/(T-Tc).


PACS number(s): 05.50.+q




The lattice gas model is well known and is widely used in statistical mechanics [1]. It has a close relation to the Ising problem of the phase transition in a ferromagnet [2]. If there is a system of spins interacting with nearest neighbors and located in the vortices of a lattice of certain symmetry, then at a certain temperature spontaneous magnetization appears. Similarly, at a certain temperature a certain atomic structure consisting of the atoms interacting with nearest neighbors can appear. The analytical solutions of these problems are known only for the two-dimensional infinite planar structures such as the square, the triangle and the honeycomb lattices. In threeа dimensions the numerical methods are used.

In the field of material science there are two problems that attract the attention of researchers: the formation, the structure and the properties of fullerenes and the properties of water in specific conditions when it demonstrates a kind of a phase transition between the low-density liquid phase and the high density liquid phase at low temperatures. Not to discuss these questions in detail, we address the reader to such reviews as [3], [4] and to the great number of references mentioned there. The common feature for both of these phenomena could be the symmetry of the corresponding atomic (molecular) clusters.

The simplest fullerene (not to mention nanotubes so far) presents a cluster of 60 carbon atoms coordinated as the vortices of a soccer ball with 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons as facets. Sometimes this structure is also called the buckminster ball. This conformation is possible because of the four chemical bonds characterizing a carbon atom. But this is not the only atom (or molecule) with four bonds. A water molecule, for example, is able to create a tetrahedrally coordinated open network with the help of four hydrogen bonds attaching to every oxygen atom. When simulated on a computer [5] in two dimensions, the ''water molecules'' aggregated in groups that demonstrated a fivefold orientational order, while hexagonal symmetry was in a sense also present. This result suggests the idea that if the two-dimensional surface had a curvature, then the water molecules could form a soccer-ball type structure having the oxygen atoms in the vortices. The recent results [6] of the numerical investigation of a microscopical spherical pore containing water molecules on its inside surface confirms such a possibility, at least in the case when there is an external field of the pore's walls. But the existence of C60 аclusters challenges one to think that (H2O)60 clusters could also form at certain thermodynamical conditions in the absence of any additional field. In this case, if these conditions are fulfilled and such clusters start to form, the density of water will become much less than that of the bulk water, and a low density liquid phase could appear.

The goal of this paper is to analyze the symmetry properties of an A60а cluster and to present the calculation of the partition function for the corresponding lattice gas model,(here A is an arbitrary atom or molecule initially able to form a tetrahedral network, and hence, potentially able to form a soccer ball cluster). We are going to apply the Vdovitchenko method of Ising problem solution. The detailed description of this method can be found in the classical course [7]. The method is based on the calculation of the number of random walk loops on an infinite flat plane with a certain symmetry type of the vortices distribution. In the problem under discussion here, there is a finite set of vortices, but it can be shown that the method remains valid for this case too. Extending the obtained result to an infinite cluster (see below), we will be able to describe such an interesting physical system as the carbon nanotube. It will be shown that the method used here is not only applicable to this system, but being applied to it, the method becomes free from certain approximations used while dealing with finite A60 clusters.


Calculation of the partition function


In the further analysis we are going to regard the random walk on the finite lattice which presents a set of vortices on the soccer ball cluster surface. Every step of this walk covers a single bond and leads to one of the neighboring vortices. Every bond of the soccer ball cluster has one and the same length and every vortex has three nearest neighbors. The symmetry of the surface is rather complicated due to the existence of both hexagons and pentagons as its facets.

Thus, first of all, we have to topologically transform the soccer ball surface lattice in such a way that a convenient procedure for the random walks calculation could be developed. Let us assume that the bonds connecting the vortices are elastic and can expand, though every single step in the future random walk still covers the whole bond between the neighbor vortices. The topological transformation goes in two stages. On the first stage we ''pass a cylinder'' through the opposite pentagons of the soccer ball and let the elastic bonds with vortices stick around the cylinder. On the second stage we ''inflate'' this cylinder radially and obtain the lattice structure shown on Fig.1a (points i and i') coincide, (i=1...5). Now instead of a ball's surface we obtain a cylinder side surface and a finite ''square'' lattice with true (physical) periodic conditions. Every vortex has three nearest neighbors as initially, and every bond will be covered by a single step of a random walk, according to our assumption. There is an apparent division of vortices into two sets R and L: R set contains the vortices having right nearest neighbors, and L set contains the vortices having left nearest neighbors (part of the border between the sets is shown on Fig.1a by the dashed line). The obtained structure suggests an idea to pass to a similar infinite structure following the same rule (Fig.1b). This new structure is obviously representing a certain nanotube whose wall atoms are organized in a lattice with the same type of symmetry. One can notice that the majority of the polygons in such a lattice are hexagons, which is in agreement with the known structure of carbon nanotubes. In the following calculations we will discuss simultaneously both the finite and the infinite lattices.

The next step is to find the expression for the partition function and calculate it. To have a clearer understanding of the following, it is recommended to refresh in your memory the corresponding chapter in [7]. Let J be the nearest neighbors interaction energy, then the expression for the partition function can be written

ааа ааа(1)

where S{s} means the summation over all possible configurations, Q = J/2kT, k is Boltzmann constant, T is the absolute temperature, 1/2 is due to the double counting of each pair of vortices while summing over both sets, x = tanh Q, N is the number of vortices. Here we preserve for convenience the notation characteristic of a magnetic system (the obvious correlation between the ''magnetic'' variables σ(m,l)а = 1, σ(m,2) = -1 and Уlattice gasФ variables σ(l,1) = 0, σ(l,2) = 0 is σ(l,1)а = (1/2)(σ(m,1)а + σ(m,2) ), σ(l,2)а = (1/2)(σ(m,1)а - σ(m,2) ). The expression for S has the following form

ааааа (2)


To calculate the polynomial in equation (2), a diagram technique developed by Vdovichenko and discussed in [7] can be used. If x corresponds to a bond between two neighbor vortices, the polynomial will correspond to the number of loops.


Remark 1. It is important to emphasize that this technique is designed in such a way that the loops containing the superposed bonds vanish. That is why this technique remains valid for the case of the finite lattice discussed here. (This also means that the same technique will apply for various nanotubes of the same symmetry type.) Notice also, that the summation over k and l here is also different from what it is in the case of an infinite planar lattice. Equations (1) and (2) give the exact value of the partition function.


With regard to Remark 1, the result of the calculation can be written

аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа(3)

ааа where fr аstands for the sum over single loops of r steps each. Now let us introduce Wr(k,l,n ) -- the sum over all possible paths of r steps starting from the given vortex (k0,l0,n0) to the vertex (k,l,n ) in such a way that the last step to the vertex (k,l,n ) does not take place from the direction n (n = 1 (right), 2 (up), 3 (left), 4 (down)). According to the obtained symmetry structure (Fig.1), nа = 3 is

forbidden for (k,l) in R set, and n а= 1 is forbidden for (k,l) in L set. Then, similarly to [7], we get

аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа аааааааааааааааааааааа(4)

It is possible to get the recurrence relations between Wr+1 and Wr from the definition of Wr(k,l,n ). For R set they can be written as


ааааааа (5)


Similarly, for L set, we will get


ааааааа (6)


The exponential factors correspond to the turns needed to complete the loops. In a compact form the equations (5-6) can be expressed as


where the matrix L elements can be associated with a ''transition probability'' per step for a randomly walking point. The probability to have a path of r steps will, thus, be given by . The diagonal elements of this matrix present the probability that the randomly walking point will return to its original position after r steps, and thus,





аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа(7)

where li are the eigenvalues of the matrix. Substituting equation (7) into equation (3), we get


аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа(8)


Now we come to the direct calculation of the partition function and, consequently, we need the form of L matrix.


Remark 2. In our case there are two sets of vortices and, consequently, there are two systems of equations. This means that the matrix of coefficients must have a Jordan (normal) form.


To diagonalize matrix L with respect to indices k and l, the Fourier transformation is most convenient. Though according to the type of structure presented on Fig.1, k and l vary in different ways, we will approximate the Fourier transform of L by a common expression




where . Therefore, the matrix of coefficients (i.e. random walk transition probabilities) will have the form



where a = exp (ip /4) and e = 2pi/L. For the given p and q a simple calculation gives

аааааааааааааааааааа (9)


Finally, the substitution of equation (9) into equation (8) and then into equation (1) gives the expression for the partition function Z


аа (10)


This expression is a finite polynomial in case of an A60а model cluster. But for an infinite structure presented on Fig.2b this polynomial is infinite.




In order to describe the critical behavior of the system and to find the corresponding characteristics, the calculation of the thermodynamic potential F = - kT ln Z should be performed. It should be mentioned here that every time we speak of the exact results or of the critical features of the system's behavior, one should note that in the true sense this can be applied only to the nanotubes with infinite length, while for the finite-length nanotubes or for the A60 model clusters the results are approximate.

The logarithm of the product gives the sum. Passing from the summation to integration is the next approximation: in the case of the finite A60а model cluster lattice, the sum is neither infinite nor even very large, though in the case of an (infinite) nanotube this approximation can lead to an exact result. Proceeding with the calculation, we obtain


аааааааааа (11)


The formation of the soccer ball structure corresponds to the phase transition, and F function has a singularity at this point. Notice that when applied to the finite A60 model cluster, the last (approximate) expression will point not at the true singularity but to a sharp transition. In our case the singularity corresponds to zero value of the expression under logarithm. As a function of w1 and w2 this expression has a minimum when w1 = w2 = 0. This condition sufficed, the expression under logarithm in equation (11) is equal to . The last polynomial is the biquadratic equation with two positive roots . The last fact suggests that there are two critical temperatures corresponding to the formation of the soccer ball structure. The analysis of the integral in equation (11) shows that in the vicinity of (xc)2 = 0.39 the integral is always positive, while in the vicinity of (xc)1 = 0.86 it can take both signs. The corresponding values of xc аfor the square, the triangle and the honeycomb infinite lattices are [1] 0.44, 0.27, 0.66. It is interesting to notice that the direct numerical calculation [8] of xc for the soccer ball structure provides (xc)num = 0.628, which is equal to (1/2)[(xc)1 + (xc)2] of the analytical result obtained here.


Remark 3. Here we would like to underline that the well known result [2] suggests, that a phase transition can only occur in an infinite system (the thermodynamic limit). Thus, at first glance it seems doubtful that the critical behavior can be obtained on a lattice with only 60 vortices. The important particular feature of the finite system under discussion is the true (physical) periodic conditions which appear to lead to a ''critical'' behavior in this finite system. As we see from all the argumentation and calculations given above, we get the same result for the infinite cluster, and this result does not contradict [9]. But the character of the calculation procedure which leads to the partition function expression is the same. This means that the possibility of the critical behavior here is due not to the infinite number of the counted loops, but to the fact that the majority of these loops cancel out because of the superposition or intersection of the loops' bonds. Though the further calculations based on the expression for the partition function are exact only for the infinite system and are approximate for the finite system, the character of results must remain the same. The rigorous mathematical treatment of the role of the true periodical conditions in the description of the critical behavior of a system constitutes a separate and wider problem.


Now we can get an expansion of the thermodynamic potential F in the powers of t, (t = T - Tc ), where Tc is a critical temperature related toа xc, (xc = tanh J/2kTc). The regular part of this expansion can be simply replaced by its value for t = 0, while for its singular term we get


where c1 , c2, c3 are constants and c1 > 0. Carrying out the integration, we obtain the singular term of the thermodynamical potential near the transition point in the form


аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа(12)


The thermodynamical potential appears to be continuous near the transition point, but the heat capacity C becomes infinite and is proportional to 1/t


аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа(13)


which differs from the known logarithmic singularity. In the recent paper [10] there is a plot of the heat capacity vs. temperature for C60 and C70 fullerenes, and the text near it reads: ''It is interesting to notice that contrary to the majority of organic substances the fullerenes' heat capacity dependence on temperature has two inflexion points''. This result based on the analysis of the experimental data supports the theoretical result obtained here.

In conclusion, we can state the following. In this paper the theoretical model of an A60 soccer-ball type finite structure and of a similar symmetry type infinite nanotube structure (Fig.1b) were discussed in frames of the lattice gas model. To apply the Vdovichenko method for the partition function calculation, the soccer-ball lattice was topologically transformed into a lattice on a side surface of a cylinder. Since the vortices of this lattice fell into two sets, it was essential to present the matrix of coefficients in a Jordan form. After that, the analytical form of the partition function for this model was found directly. In the case of the infinite lattice the expression for the partition function led to the exact results, while for the finite A60 clusters these results are approximate. The thermodynamical potential for this model appeared to have two critical temperatures, corresponding to the lattice formation. This is in accord with the experimental data for the fullerenes' heat capacity vs. temperature dependence [10]. The arithmetic mean of the analytically found critical parameters xc = tanh J/2kT coincides with the value of the same critical parameter for a soccer ball cluster found numerically [8] with the help of a computer. The heat capacity singularity appeared to be not logarithmic, but inversely proportional to the first power of T - Tc.

This model can be used to describe the formation of such physical systems as carbon fullerenes from the gaseous phase, or the formation of ''(H2O)60-ice'' clusters from liquid water, or the formation of the other similar clusters consisting of the other atoms or molecules able to form a tetrahedrally coordinated network. Besides, this model is applicable for the description of the formation not only of the classical buckminster ball fullerene, but for the formation of various nanotubes of the similar symmetry also. Strictly speaking, a regular nanotube of a certain type

already presents the lattice on a side surface of a cylinder that was discussed above. In case of long tubes there is no direct break of the statement made in [9], but as we have shown, the clusters with true (physical) periodic conditions can demonstrate such a ''critical'' behavior also. The obtained expression for the partition function provides the possibility to calculate the various thermodynamical parameters of interest.




I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. H.E.Stanley for keeping me informed of the recent developments in water research and to I.S.Siparov for helpful discussions on geometric transformations.




[1] R.J.Baxter, Exactly Solved Models in Statistical Mechanics, Academic Press, London, 1982

[2] C.N.Yang. Phys.Rev., 85, (1952), 808

[3] A.V.Eletskii, Uspehi Fizicheskih Nauk, 167 (1997), 945.

[4] H.E.Stanley et al., Physica D 133 (1999), 453.

[5] A.Skibinsky et al. Phys.Rev.E, 60 (1999), 2664.

[6] A.Geiger (private communication)

[7] L.Landau, E.Lifshits. Statistical physics, Nauka, Moscow, 1984.

[8] S.Buldyrev (private communication)

[9] C.N.Yang and T.D.Lee. Phys.Rev. 87, (1952), 404

[10] V.V.Diky, G.Ya.Kabo. Uspekhi Khimii (Russian Chemical Review), 69, (2000), 107.




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